OK I have to tell you guys this. I have a new hobby......knitting!!!! LOL I'm getting teased something terrible right now about it too. I have to tell you how this started.
I was surfing the web one day & ran across this website http://bohemiansoul.com/ & fell in love with her work. She crochets all types of cute things you have to check her out. Sooooo because some of her things were a little expensive, & now I understand why, I decided hey why not learn how to do this myself. Well I ended up learning to knit instead of crochet. I do plan on learning how to crochet a bit later though after I get this knitting thing mastered. I also should add that yes I have purchased several things from her & I love them all, I just figured hey I could learn a craft.
I am hooked you guys, I'm always online looking for easy patterns & there are so many out there that are free too! I've finished my first project a neck warmer, I'll post the pics of that. Well for some reason I can't post the pics of the neck warmer. I'm currently working on a baby sweater for my four month old little cousin. I'm making a size 18mo because I didn't know how long it would take me to make it but it's coming along pretty quickly. I'll post pics of my progress of that as well. Heck I just may start a knitting blog!!! 
The last side of the front of the sweater is what's on the needle now. I started knitting this sweater on Mother's Day. So I'm almost two weeks in & I thought it would take me a lot longer to get this done. If I would have known I would have made it a size smaller & he would be able to wear it sooner. But I guess if he keeps growing at the rate he's going he'll be in it soon enough.

Stay tuned for more knitting projects I love this stuff. I can't wait to get more experienced where I can make things with more detail.