OMG I can't believe this time has come this quickly!!! I can recall vividly scouring through many blogs admiring those who have started this journey before me. Having some serious loc envy, which I still do by the way, and wondering if my loc's will look like theirs. I can recall the day I went in to start my loc's. I went in with 6 inches of natural hair so I just knew I would not have the stringy chicken looking loc's! Boy was I wrong, I'm thin in the top front portion so that was really evident for the first three months. I was all prepared to be my loctician's poster child, I was her first client for microloc's, so I was anticipating great things right out of the gate. Crazy because I knew from looking at other blogs that my loc's were not going to look mature but I had high hopes because I had a healthy head of natural hair. Well I don't think I lost the chicken head look until around month 3 & it's been all gravy from there!
I got a new color for my two year lociversary it's called RED HOT!!! I love the new color & I may keep it for awhile.
I've enjoyed watching my hair evolve into what it has become in two years & I'm sure the next year will be even more thrilling!
Oh wait I have to tell y'all this: So last night I'm at church for a rehearsal & one of the older ladies looked at my hair & says........I don't like your hair like that! me: REALLY? Why? now mind you her hair is unkempt & standing on top of her head!!! Then she tells me she doesn't know why she doesn't like it & proceeds to ask me would her hair look good like mines. I told her well you wouldn't have to worry about a comb ever again (not that I think she did anyway)LOL!
So then I decided to change the subject & ask her about baking or something off the wall so she'd get off my hair!
I got a new color for my two year lociversary it's called RED HOT!!! I love the new color & I may keep it for awhile.
I've enjoyed watching my hair evolve into what it has become in two years & I'm sure the next year will be even more thrilling!
Oh wait I have to tell y'all this: So last night I'm at church for a rehearsal & one of the older ladies looked at my hair & says........I don't like your hair like that! me: REALLY? Why? now mind you her hair is unkempt & standing on top of her head!!! Then she tells me she doesn't know why she doesn't like it & proceeds to ask me would her hair look good like mines. I told her well you wouldn't have to worry about a comb ever again (not that I think she did anyway)LOL!
So then I decided to change the subject & ask her about baking or something off the wall so she'd get off my hair!