Many things have happened within this one year time frame, not just with my hair but in life. I lost my best friend, my dad. My daughter graduated high school, I celebrated 5 years of marriage and just yesterday my daughter boarded a plane to California to go to school. I've experienced many different emotions in this year, some good & some bad, but what I can say is I'm still here, a stronger woman than I was a year ago.
In this one year's time I remember when I first got my hair loc'd people would just look upside my head & say what is that in your hair? I've even had one person, who was not a friend of mine, say ooh I don't like your hair &I have to admit at that time my hair was not cute at all. Just like most experience I had the plucked chicken look. But I dealt with it. And as the months went on they'd ask do you have tiny braids in your hair? Now they say I like your hair it's really pretty & it sure has grown!! Now every time I turn around I'm passing out my loctician's business card. So for those of you who may be reading & contemplating getting loc'd up you need to know that this is a transition & if you can't handle negativity from people & you're not patient loc's may not be for you. But if you have lots of patience & you could give a rat's you know what about what people say about you I say go for it!! It's the best thing I could have ever done the only thing I regret is not doing it sooner.
Here's a montage of pictures of my journey of one year & someone just recently sent me a picture that I was in when I was a loose natural so enjoy. 
This first picture is me in '07 with my loose naps, bottom left. I know it's only two of us in the pic so
that wasn't hard to figure. LOL The second pic is the second day of install. We didn't even bother to style it I was too tired!!

1 YEAR!!!! These aren't the best pics. I wanted to have someone take them for me but as stated earlier my baby's gone & she usually takes my pics for me when I need someone to do it. I'm anxious to see what the next year will bring!
Happy Loc'ing ladies!!!
Beeuutifuull!! Congratulations Sis!
Happy one year! Your locs look absolutely fab. I am right behind ya. :)
Absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations on your milestone.
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