9 1/2 Weeks and freshly tightened! I've been told by my loctician Janela that my hair is coming along fine. It's doing what it's supposed to do. It's budding now & I have a considerable amount of shrinkage. I've had no slippage thus far in this journey. My top is still rather thin but I know with time you won't be able to see it anymore. It's getting a little easier to camouflage that area. It's really sad that it took me so long to realize why I was thin in that area. For years when I was getting perms I heard my beautician say you're getting thin in the top. First I thought it was my pregnancy that was causing the thinning, but continued to get perms. Not only that but my beautician continued to give me perms. I have to wonder did she know it was from the perms & continued to give them to me or didn't she. I know most beauticians are supposed to be keeping their clients hair healthy but are they or is it about the money? 

I'll be glad when I can color I cannot get with this halo of gray in the front. LOL

Also I wanted to let you all know to stay tuned for a new etsy store. My loctician is very talented and she will be selling her items soon on etsy. She makes jewelry, earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces & chokers. She also makes adornments for locs I will post a picture of my personal pieces soon.
Yeah, Let's be real, most of it is about the money...As a licensed haircare specialist, my responsibility is to inform my clients if their hair has change in anyway with the use of chemical treatments. Being over the age of 50, I am from the old school of haircare where it matter whether the hair had health. Today the young hair stylist (not all of them) are double booking and working 7 days a week, from sun up to sun down, and have completely forfeited the health of our hair, for cold cash money..It is a shame because by the time they get to be my age, the hair has become thin, some hair follicles have died because of the chemical abuse..This is one of the reasons why I had to make a transition to natural haircare ...I got so tired of seeing the "Unbelweaveable Sisters".Shaking what was not their's..I guess what I'm saying is "I'm feeling you".
Your hair grid doesn't look like the typical grid of SLs. Looking at the pic taken of the top of your head, it doesn't look like there are any straight parts going from the front of your head straight back. The parts look really big too. Please go to another certified SL consultant just to verify that she did it right.
Dear Anonymous,
I don't have sisterlocks I have micro locs done with a latch hook. My hair is also thin in the top therefore my loctician parted it in a way that when they grew in it wouldn't look so sparce in the top.
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