Ladies I have a question. Do any of you know how to get in touch with Cheleski? I wanted to leave a comment on her blog. I'm interested in ordering her book but had some questions. If any of you do please let me know.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sneak Peak part 2!
Ladies I have a question. Do any of you know how to get in touch with Cheleski? I wanted to leave a comment on her blog. I'm interested in ordering her book but had some questions. If any of you do please let me know.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
6 Months
I'm still learning how to use my camera thus you see the difference in how the pics are turning out. My daughter turned the flash off for me that's why the back photo looks different. It's actually the best picture in the bunch. I would have taken more but decided not to. I suppose as I continue to post my pictures will get better, so just bare with these for now. ;-)
I ordered a new shampoo bar from Oyin & it arrived today. They've changed their packaging. It used to come in a nice reusable plastic container now it comes wrapped in saran with paper on top. I assume this is more cost effective for them so I guess that means I'll have to save the container from my other bar!
I really love this shampoo, I've been using it for three years. It takes a bit to get lathered up but I like how it makes my hair feel squeaky clean when I'm all done washing. Although they've changed their packaging I'll continue to use it.
I can't wait until I can continue using their other products. They're all in my bathroom just waiting for me to pull them out. I love their conditioner (Honey Hemp Conditioner) it has such a nice smell to it. I know I have a bit longer before I can condition though.
Sneak Peak
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Stay Tuned
Stay tuned we are reopening the etsy shop real soon! All new pieces handmade with polymer clay & hand drawn & painted by my loctician Janela. I have also learned how to make hairties & those will be featured as well. They are made with stone beads. I hope that you all will stop by the store once it's open & I hope you find something that catches your eye!
I will also begin featuring interviews from my loctician & a friend who has joined the loc'd world so stay tuned for those as well.
In the meantime stay blessed!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Check this out!
This young girl is off the chain! I wanted to put her video on the blog so you could watch it from here but I couldn't figure out how to do it. So please watch her.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
5 1/2 Months
I promised an update on my hair so here it is. What I notice about my hair now is that it's more dense. My ends are very curly now, there are some balls on the ends but none of them are closed yet. Here are a few pics before I was retightened last week Thursday.
I washed my hair two days before with Oyin's Uber Poo Bar.Of course I did the dreaded braid & band routine. After washing I towel dried my hair then I used an oil that was mixed by my loctician. It has 6 oils in it, what they are I don't know, I only know it has tea tree oil in it to help with the itch. Then I took the bands out and rolled the ends of the braids on Soft Spikes. I got a really nice look after it dried. It was really nice & full, but after she tightened it I lost some of the body but it still looked nice. Here are some pics from today. My hair is pinned in the top. I can't use a hair tie yet, which by the way I have learned how to make.
Right now I am this close to coloring my hair! I can't stand this doggone halo I have in the front of my head. I know, I know I'm getting older but no one else has to know! Angel Loc's did her's and she let me know just how she did it, so I am seriously contemplating it. I'm trying my darndest to hold out but it's hard. It's been almost six months with no color and I'm a coloring sister let me tell you! The first sign of gray when I was a loose natural & I had the dye bottle & the gloves out. Armed & ready to fight the gray. Hopefully I can wait til it get's closer to my birthday I'll be 11 months locked then.
Stay tuned.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Guess Who's Coming Home?

My dear little Shih Tzu! I guess you're saying so what, so I'll explain the story. My little pooch who I affectionately call "Ludie Bell" hasn't lived with me in over four years. When I got married the husband didn't want my baby to come live with us so my dad took him in. After my dad passed my cousin kept him for me until I got my dad's affairs taken care of. I told the husband that I needed my pooch because he's the last thing that my dad & I shared. He's not happy about it but he'll get over it because Ludie's coming home!
Those of you who aren't dog lovers probably don't understand but he's my baby & I can't wait to pick him up. I've had a dog every since I was a young girl. My dad bought me a poodle after my mom passed away when I was just six years old & he lived for sixteen years! A couple of years later my dad bought another poodle named Nuggets & he lived about 15 years. During the time we had Nuggets I bought Ludie Bell for my daughter, she was six or seven at the time. Ludie is now ten I know we only have a short time left with him so my husband will just have to deal with him being home. I promised the husband that I'll take extra care to keep Ludie clean & fresh smelling & I promised to not let him mess up the yard. LOL
Just a quick word on the locs. I promise an update is coming soon! I'm 5 1/2 months locked now. I can tell that they are thickening up quite nicely & it's even more easy to hide my thin area in the crown of my head. I've taken pics so they will soon follow.
Be Blessed!