Today I woke up to 12 inches of snow on the ground. Our street hadn't been plowed so I didn't get to work until 10 am. Work begins for me at 7am. And the funny thing about it was I was the only one that didn't make it to work on time so everybody there had something funny to say. Like you just took advantage of the situation. No I didn't I don't have a SUV or Jeep I drive a Grand Prix with low profile tires! I knew with the snow being as deep as it was that once I got out of the driveway I would be stuck. So I didn't care what they said I knew I wasn't gonna take any chances. LOL
You gotta do what you do gotta do..If you would have left on time and gotten stuck you wouldn't have gone in at all....ha!
New2locs, this is why I moved from Cleveland, Ohio to Arizona..I know one temperature extreme to the other....as a true born and raised Ohioan I know you just can not put on enough clothes to stay warm in the winter...but I can always find A/C in the summer.
Stay warm better yet truely speaking try to stay warm...
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