I am four months
loc'd as of yesterday & today! Sorry I don't have any pics of my four month old hair. I was hoping to have taken pics with family yesterday but to no avail. They didn't stick around long enough to take any! Sadly we had a tragedy in our family over the holiday. My cousin passed away on Monday from a heart attack. She had traveled to Dallas to see her daughter & her family & she had a heart attack as they were unpacking the car. She didn't even get a chance to see any of them. So most of the family had just gotten off the road yesterday & were too tired & probably too sad to stick around, so by the time I had gotten off of work they were already gone.
I got a new Cool Pix camera for
Christmas so I should have some pics up soon from the camera hopefully you'll see more hair details & the pics will be
a lot better than the pics I take with my phone.
I promised that I would show you the pic of my personalized h

air tie so here it is.

My hair in this picture is pretty close to the four month mark. I have to put my advertisement in now (
lol) Please check out my
loctician's etsy site! If there's something there that you see but it's not quite what you're looking for send her a
convo she can make anything to your specifications. She's a very talented young lady.
http://sheabrojaes.etsy.com/ We thought being on
Etsy would be a piece of cake but it has been quite disheartening to be on there for two months with no sales. So our aim after the holidays is to figure out how to reach more people. If you have any suggestions please leave me a comment I would really appreciate it & so would she!
blessed & happy holidays!
Loving you Lock, and the headbands they absoulutely without a doubt sharp. I can wait to get the length to start wearing hair headbands etc.
Thanks for you post..
I love you color, your looking Fab. I really like to hair jewelry, I had added and saved etsy to my favorites and will add the webpage to my blog. I really like the art.
Thanks for your post to my blog..
Hey N2Locks,
Regarding hair color, my SL consultant is also a licensed cosmetologist for many years so I trust what she tells me...to prep or my color since my hair is shorter I use baby hair clips to band my hair however I did use the rubber bands on the longer sections.
My consultant adviced me to use Kiss as it has no ammonia, no peroxide or ingredients that will cause your locks to swell. This product is recommended for Natural Hair and Gray Coverage and Chemically Treated Hair(but we are not concerned with that)...LOL
Supplies: rubber bands to band your hair as you would in prepping to shampoo. And baby hair clip for shorter/delicate lock.
Perm/Color brush
Kiss semi-permanent color
To begin I clipped the shorter locks and banded the longer locks (with the help of my daughter, Wyvolen)
After sectioning and banding, I put a(small amount) of the Kiss Color into the bowl.
Using the brush I applied color only to the roots of my hair. (make sure you use gloves as the color will definately stain anything it touches)
After applying the color I left the color in to set for 25 minutes. You can sit under a dryer, I just waiting 25 minutes.
After waiting 25 minutes, I rinsed my hair until the water ran clear.
After rinsing, I shampooed my hair with SL's shampoo. Then let my hair air dry.
Remember this is a rinse (semi-permanent color) therefore the color will wash out with every shampoo. It depends on how often you shampoo how long the color will last. Thus determining how often you will need to re-color,until you can use permanent hair color.
your hair is coming along really great.
Sorry for the passing in your family
@ Angel Locs thanks for the info on the hair color technique. I would have never thought to braid & band to color. I'm also glad youlike the hair jewelry.
@ Hotredsly thanks for the condolenses.
Sorry to hear about your loss - so close to the holidays. Your hair tie is cute! Shucks, you could make some other cool stuff with your "mark" on it!
thanks for the love! mom is excited! lol keep it locked and popped-love your locs!!!!! the hard part is over..almost!
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