Today I sat 3.5 hrs for my first retightening. It didn't take as long as I thought. As I was sitting there my loctician Janela was sharing her idea's with me. As we're talking she show's me the retightening tool that she created. Did I mention that she's very talented! She makes jewelry, scented shea butter, and she does braids & locs. She's in the process of building her website so she can sell her beautiful items to the whole world. She has allowed me to post a pic of her new tool. Anyone interested in purchasing a tool email me & I can give you information on how to purchase.
As for my hair it's coming along. I'm very thin in the top, unfortunately from years of use of the creamy crack! I'm looking forward to the day when it all fills in. I do understand that this is a journey that takes patience & understanding. It's also a learning process that I'm willing to be a student of.
As for my hair it's coming along. I'm very thin in the top, unfortunately from years of use of the creamy crack! I'm looking forward to the day when it all fills in. I do understand that this is a journey that takes patience & understanding. It's also a learning process that I'm willing to be a student of.

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